Con le visite, i laboratori, le attività dentro e fuori l'ecomuseo, lavoriamo insieme a studenti, studentesse e insegnanti su ecologia e capacità critica di lettura del territorio, sulle trasformazioni urbanistiche e sociali della città a partire dal dopoguerra, sul valore dei beni comuni e della partecipazione civica interagendo con opere di artisti e testimonianze dirette di abitanti e naviganti.
Educational offer
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First degree
Second degree
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Urban walks
Guardians of the river
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Walking South Coast
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The city around the Oreto River
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Cloth maps
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The city without errors
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What is a river?
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The little guardians of the river
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Cosa c’è sotto il nostro mare
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Sea and fabric fairy tales
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Museum visit
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What does a sea story tell?
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Come visit us with your school

Throughout the year there is a 10% discount on visits for groups of more than 45 paying visitors.
Exclusively from October to February there will be, however, a 20% discount on all activities (not combinable with the 10% discount)
371 411 86 12
call Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
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Ass. Associazione Mare Memoria Viva ETS
Legal address: Via F. Potenzano No. 5, 90138 Palermo
Tax code: 97304900828 VAT number: 06588240827
Headquarters: Via Messina Marine 14
Association Mare Memoria Viva ETS
Legal address: Via F. Potenzano No. 5, 90138 Palermo
Tax code: 97304900828 VAT number: 06588240827
Headquarters: Via Messina Marine 14
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