The Mare Memoria Viva Ecomuseum is a multipurpose cultural and social center that, in addition to the exhibition tours, offers spaces for events, a garden, training, and gathering spaces.
The Former Locomotive Depot of Sant'Erasmo, the current home of the Ecomuseum, was built in 1886 as part of the Sant'Erasmo railway station complex, the terminus of the Palermo-Corleone-San Carlo line, the first narrow-gauge railway built in Sicily.
It is a beautiful example of industrial archeology, characterized by a single-aisle pavilion supported by cast-iron pillars with capitals decorated in Art Nouveau style. Its category and architectural quality make it unique in the Palermo area.

The pavilion is surrounded by a freely accessible botanical garden that illustrates the landscapes traversed by the Oreto River.
The garden houses plant collections that represent both local ecology and the city's historical memory and emotional ties.
A space to care for and enjoy together, a place to rest, to play in safety, to meditate, and where to learn to observe and listen to those, human or not, who have become invisible to most.

The Story

The Former Sant’Erasmo Locomotive Depot was part of the complex of buildings of the Sant’Erasmo railway station, the terminus of the Palermo-Corleone-San Carlo line and the first narrow-gauge line built in Sicily. It comprised 15 stations and 10 stops for a 106 km route that ran along the sea before curving inland, reaching the end of the line in San Carlo, in the Sosio River valley.
  • 1886
    The station was inaugurated on June 16, 1886, just nine days after the inauguration of the Central Station.
    The station, built in the Art Nouveau style, straddled the mouth of the Oreto River and was divided into two sections: the part west of the river was for passengers and goods, and to the east were the turntable and the locomotive depot comprising three sidings, railroad workshops, warehouses, ancillary buildings, and the canteen.
    In 1953, the decision was made to move the terminus to Acqua dei Corsari, which led to the demise of the railway: in 1955, the section between Acqua dei Corsari and Sant’Erasmo was abolished, and on February 1st, it was decided to close the entire line. In 1961, it was shut down permanently.
    In 1965, the station was demolished, only the former locomotive depot remaining. It consisted of a main pavilion measuring 48 meters by 30 meters and another small building that housed the locomotive mechanics.

    The interior space is covered by a Polonceau truss, with a sloping roof. The system of pillars and capitals and the cast iron columns typical of industrial structures and other railway stations and covered markets of the time are particularly noteworthy.
  • 1985
    Acquisition of the Municipality
    After the station was decommissioned, the former locomotive depot remained in the ownership of the State Railways until 1985 when it was taken over by the City of Palermo. In the early 1990s, the area around it was used as a lorry park.
    The pavilion used to house an agricultural machinery construction company and was later abandoned: upon entering the interior, there were two large brick buildings with the remains of rusty cars and machinery. The adjoining building, the former elevation team, was subdivided into small flats with gardens and a few rented families lived there.
    It was in this situation of abandonment and chaos that the long process of restoration and reuse began.
    The professional assignment for the design and direction of the restoration and renovation work was awarded in 1988 by the Municipality of Palermo to a team coordinated by Arch. Anna Maria Fundarò with Arch. Anna Cottone; Eng. Liborio Munna; Arch. Ettore Pennisi.
    The works
    The work was entrusted in 1997 to the Ravennate Consortium of Production and Labor Cooperatives
  • 2004
    The former depot opened to the public in July 2004 as KALS'ART, hosting concerts and exhibitions organised by the municipality first and events run by the company Terzo Millennio until 2012.

    The Ecomuseum is born
    Since 2014, it has been home to the Mare Memoria Viva Urban Ecomuseum, the result of a project to enhance Palermo's coastal territory devised by the CLAC association and supported by the CONILSUD Foundation.
    As of 2024, the memorandum of understanding between the Mare Memoria Viva association and the Culture Area of the Municipality of Palermo, which owns the property, becomes the first Special Public-Private Partnership tested in the city: an alliance between the association and the public body for the valorisation of the property that opens up a new life for the Former Locomotive Depot as a cultural centre for artistic production and intergenerational aggregation that, in addition to the ecomuseum route, offers spaces for events and cultural and educational activities both indoors and outdoors with a garden, a bar with kitchen, a theatre and conference space, and spaces for workshops and educational activities.

  • 1886
    L’inaugurazione della stazione è il 16 giugno 1886, nove giorni dopo quella della Stazione Centrale.
    La stazione, di stile liberty, era posta a cavallo della foce del fiume Oreto e divisa in due sezioni: la parte ad ovest del fiume era la parte destinata al movimento passeggeri e merci; a est la piattaforma girevole e il deposito locomotive con tre binari di ricovero interno, le officine rotabili, i magazzini, gli edifici accessori e il refettorio.
  • 1955
    Nel 1953 fu presa la decisione di spostare il capolinea ad Acqua dei Corsari e ciò provocò rapidamente la morte della ferrovia: nel 1955 fu soppresso il tratto tra Acqua dei Corsari e Sant’Erasmo, il 1 febbraio fu deciso di chiudere tutta la linea, definitivamente soppressa nel 1961.
  • 1965
    Nel 1965, la stazione fu demolita e rimase in piedi, abbandonato a se stesso, l’ex deposito delle Locomotive composto da un padiglione principale di 48 metri per 30 metri e un altro piccolo edificio annesso che ospitava la squadra rialzo.

    Lo spazio interno è sovrastato da un’originale trama di capriate d’acciaio alla Polonceau, con una copertura a falde inclinate. Particolarmente pregevoli sono il sistema di pilastri e capitelli e le caratteristiche colonne in ghisa tipiche delle strutture industriali e di altre stazioni ferroviarie e mercati coperti della stessa epoca.
  • 1985
    Acquisition of the Municipality
    After the station was decommissioned, the former locomotive depot remained in the ownership of the State Railways until 1985 when it was taken over by the City of Palermo. In the early 1990s, the area around it was used as a lorry park.
    The pavilion used to house an agricultural machinery construction company and was later abandoned: upon entering the interior, there were two large brick buildings with the remains of rusty cars and machinery. The adjoining building, the former elevation team, was subdivided into small flats with gardens and a few rented families lived there.

  • 1988
    It was in this situation of abandonment and chaos that the long process of restoration and reuse began.
    The professional assignment for the design and direction of the restoration and renovation work was awarded in 1988 by the Municipality of Palermo to a team coordinated by Arch. Anna Maria Fundarò with Arch. Anna Cottone; Eng. Liborio Munna; Arch. Ettore Pennisi.
  • 1997
    I lavori
    The work was entrusted in 1997 to the Ravennate Consortium of Production and Labor Cooperatives
  • 2004
    The former depot opened to the public in July 2004 as KALS'ART, hosting concerts and exhibitions organised by the municipality first and events run by the company Terzo Millennio until 2012.
  • 2014
    Nasce l’ecomuseo
    Since 2014, it has been home to the Mare Memoria Viva Urban Ecomuseum, the result of a project to enhance Palermo's coastal territory devised by the CLAC association and supported by the CONILSUD Foundation.
  • 2024
    As of 2024, the memorandum of understanding between the Mare Memoria Viva association and the Culture Area of the Municipality of Palermo, which owns the property, becomes the first Special Public-Private Partnership tested in the city: an alliance between the association and the public body for the valorisation of the property that opens up a new life for the Former Locomotive Depot as a cultural centre for artistic production and intergenerational aggregation that, in addition to the ecomuseum route, offers spaces for events and cultural and educational activities both indoors and outdoors with a garden, a bar with kitchen, a theatre and conference space, and spaces for workshops and educational activities.
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Ass. Associazione Mare Memoria Viva ETS
Legal address: Via F. Potenzano No. 5, 90138 Palermo
Tax code: 97304900828 VAT number: 06588240827
Headquarters: Via Messina Marine 14
Association Mare Memoria Viva ETS
Legal address: Via F. Potenzano No. 5, 90138 Palermo
Tax code: 97304900828 VAT number: 06588240827
Headquarters: Via Messina Marine 14
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