Open day! Per insegnanti e dirigenti scolastici: 24 ottobre dalle 14.00 alle 19.00. Scopri più sul programma

Social Projects

The educational projects of the ecomuseum are based on a pedagogical activism that focuses on the value of public space, on caring for the relationship with the environment, planning and self-determination skills, and asserting rights against social inequalities. We call these ideas "urban awareness" and "right to the horizon" and put them into practice to nurture the aspiration of people of all ages to freedom and the invention of a different future.
Urban awareness
Right on the horizon

On the open sea

The project aims to create a new system of cultural and eco-tourism offerings in the area of the southern coastline of Palermo through the establishment of two new areas of activity for the MMV Ecomuseum: a destination-making course to promote community tourism experiences and the establishment of a new social enterprise to manage the bar with a kitchen at the Sant'Erasmo headquarters. Both services integrate and enhance the existing educational and cultural project, extending its environmental, economic, and social sustainability.

With the support of CONILSUD Foundation and Vismara Foundation

Urban Trajectories

Urban Trajectories is an integrated project that aims to promote the social growth and educational well-being of boys and girls between 11 and 17 years of age, by involving the educating communities of different neighborhoods of the city of Palermo. The project proposes a model of educational, cultural and sports offerings built with and by young people for young people, mainly in extracurricular settings, but building generative alliances with schools in the area

With the support of Fondazione Edison Orizzonte Sociale e Impresa sociale CONIBAMBINI.


Space and time for women

NiDO is a capacity-building journey aimed at women living in the southern suburbs of Palermo. With the group of women in our "niDO," we create capacity-building paths to encourage friendships and self-care, spaces and times in which to experience, create relationships and act differently compared to the daily routine. Activities thus become opportunities for learning and studying, body movement, listening and mutualism among women.

Full time and Free Sea

In cooperation with some schools, from October to June we offer free homework coaching and study support aimed at junior high school children of the first and second district with the aim of reducing drop-out rates and promoting the right to education in the area.
Activities are led by Maredù educators and a team of psychologists and volunteers with specific skills aimed at personalizing the intervention by fostering a context of "horizontal" relationships with families through listening moments, discussions, parties and art workshops.
June through September is the summer campus, full of cultural activities, field trips and outdoor games on ecological themes.
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Ass. Associazione Mare Memoria Viva ETS
Legal address: Via F. Potenzano No. 5, 90138 Palermo
Tax code: 97304900828 VAT number: 06588240827
Headquarters: Via Messina Marine 14
Association Mare Memoria Viva ETS
Legal address: Via F. Potenzano No. 5, 90138 Palermo
Tax code: 97304900828 VAT number: 06588240827
Headquarters: Via Messina Marine 14
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